Steam Link Generator

Steam Link Generator

Create shareable links that instantly open Steam with just a click. No more manual copy-pasting in the browser!

This site is a very simple open-source project that allows you to convert any steam:// link into a shareable link.

Select the type of link you want to create and enter the required information below.

What is a steam:// URL?

A steam:// link is a URL that directly opens content in the Steam client. These links can be used to open the Steam client, install or launch a game, join a server, or visit a community page, among other things.

However, these links often don't work in chat applications or other platforms outside of Steam. This can lead to frustration for users who want to share direct links to Steam games with friends.

For example, a link like steam://install/570 will prompt the Steam client to install Dota 2, and steam://run/570 will launch the game if it's installed.

Our solution:

We make sharing Steam links easy by taking any valid steam:// link and converting it into a clickable link that you can easily share with others. This can be particularly useful for content creators, game developers, or community managers who want to create direct links to their games, servers, or community pages.

Learn more about Steam's deep linking capabilities in the Steam Browser Protocol documentation.